Friday, August 5, 2011

Day One - AAAnnd we're driving and we're driving...

In one piece if not one peace...

Entry 4

First a loving shout out to Grandpa Jaccaud! Thank you from all of us intrepid tripsters! Your love and support are well appreciated!

And we made it to the St. Louis RV park.

 Took us a while, I was *sure* we weren't going to make it by 11pm when they close the gates. So I'm driving at 65 and 70 when the speed limit was 70. Let's just say, when I go fast? The 'monster' is soo happy! It drinks gas like a child gulps lemonade after playing outside on a hot summer day. Hello 8 miles a gallon! *laughter* Then? As I stopped to get us gas and grab KFC to eat in the monster while we drove? The thrilling insight hit me. St. Louis? Is 1 HOUR BEHIND! Woohoo to the additional hour! Joy oh joy! :)

Of course when we got here, the nice elderly gentleman who helped me hook up the RV noticed that the water was spraying EVERYWHERE. Ugh. We got that fixed (user error, can't blame the RV for that one). The real problem? Was that during driving? We realized the 12volt battery wasn't working correctly and our fridge was not cold. I, uh, have about $200 worth of food in the fridge so you know.. that wasn't okay. Luckily? I called cruiseamerica and they are getting it fixed today. I am going to drop off Mads, Gman, bffC, and cousinN at the St. Louis City Museum and I'm off to get the rv fixed. BffC is really tired today. None of us slept very well, so I am thinking she may hang out in the RV while the kids wander the museum and cousinN stays and watches them. At least this way, we aren't losing a day to mechanical stuff. And they are paying for everything to be fixed sooo... thus why I'm happy I didn't pay for an RV. :). Getting one that they have to fix makes me happy! Having to get it fixed not so much, but glad I don't have to pay for it. :D

As for everything else. It's the RV dance to keep things in check. Sleeping? Didn't work so well last night... we are definitely going to have to work something else out, because while this was cute:
 Mads is a kicking monster at night. I got about 3 hours of sleep. As the primary driver, that isn't going to work. Soooo. It's the RV shuffle. I suspect by the 16th when we pull in to Seattle? We'll have it down pat. :).

I did get everyone breakfast this morning in 30 minutes. Mads - 2 scrambled eggs with toast, Gman - 2 blueberry waffles with grade jelly, bffC - a bowl of lucky charms with milk and cousinN - egg samich. Oh, I made myself 2 eggs basted light with toast as well. I got it goin' ON in the morning! *laughter*

I might pass out by 3pm, however.

Soooo... yeah. Over all day one was okay. Other than some sibling stuff.. we arrived in one piece. Like I said... maybe not one peace, but we're all learning as we go!

Thank you again everyone for your love and support... this is certainly the adventure.

Happy Trails,


ps. Mads has started her own 'mini' blog version (she came up with the name all by herself, is doing all the writing herself and doing her own photos! So, just in case you wanna read her take on me... er, I mean our adventure!


  1. 8 miles a gallon? Wow... what is this thing, an M1? Well, glad you guys are on the road, hope you went up on the arch and had a nice view from there! Any ETA for Vegas? Gotta order the fat Elvis welcome troupe :)

  2. Lol. I'm working on Vegas timetable... I'd hate to miss Elvis!

