Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Short Trip Up North Before Heading down South...

The Hunt for Lucky Stones...

Entry 2

First a shout out to: Christina, Perry, Crystal and Patricia. Thanks for being Adventurers at heart and supporting us on our trip! The kids will be coloring you a special 'thank you' card and we'll be sending them on their way;  I might even hand deliver them upon my return to Seattletown!

Today I made a brief detour up north to deliver some bean soup I made for my dad. In the winter he likes to throw the frozen soup in the microwave and since I make a seriously good bean soup, it makes him happy until I arrive at Christmas to make him more. *laughter* Mads came with me and we spent some time shopping at my favorite local winery - Firelands Winery (where Mads had some fantastically good white grape juice and I got some reds, whites and blushes to share with everyone upon my return!), geocaching, heading to the popcorn store (cheddar, butter and salt, and jellybean flavor were the winners today) and walking the beach looking for lucky stones:

This is a 'lucky stone' although it isn't lucky for the sheephead (the fish it comes from). It's actually a bone that is inside the fish's head. When the sheephead dies, these small bones wash up on beaches anywhere you find sheephead. People collect the bones because of the "L" you can see on the bottom. I've seen people collect enough of these to cover a small mosiac-like table top they've built! I'm sure that took years. We found two tonight, but we're going hunting for more in the morning!

After much input from Jack (a wonderful friend of mine from High School) and Christina, C and I stayed up and talked last night and we've decided we aren't planning. Well... we're planning a little... but really? We have a bunch of ideas and we're just going to take things one day at a time. Some days, C might be all up for a museum or whatnot... and some days? We might just relax and have a fun day at a pool or some such thing. The idea is for this trip to be fun, not exhausting. She starts chemo two days after she gets back from the trip and I'd like to not wear her out before all that starts. Also,  Mads and Gman have to hustle to school two days after the return. They don't need to be worn out either.

The for sure on the trip is the Grand Canyon. Oh, and legoland.  Everything else is gravy.

If I am learning anything on this trip? Or even before this trip begins, it's that in the end, I really have to let go of thinking I can control anything. Instead, I am learning to be happy in the fact that I can control nothing. Mostly, I'm just trying to enjoy the moments when I can make decisions that feel strong and positive and enjoy the sound of laughter and excitement as we go along.

I started reading Mads and Gman stories from a 'Read Aloud Greek Mythology' book at night before we go to bed. That's been wonderfully fun... great stories and I think Mads understands the story of Helen of Troy at 11, *way* better than I ever did - I didn't really learn it until college ;).

Sunday morning after we get up and moving around here, we're beach combing for more lucky stones, doing a little geocaching and enjoying our last 'quiet' time before heading back to Columbus and getting ready for things to get hectic next week. I pick up the RV on the 3rd of August! How is it AUGUST already????

Happy trails to you!


Friday, July 29, 2011

The countdown starts!

Planning and Planning and Planning (oh my!)

Entry: 1

Yesterday, C got the news that she can fly back from Seattle to Ohio when we finish the trip. She's feeling up to the RVing across America and we're going to actively start planning.

To update you or introduce you, I'm MaryKate... my best friend is fighting cancer and wanted to take a road trip this summer. We're packing her daughter, son, cousin and myself into a camper and heading across the US in a rented RV. We're starting in Ohio and ending in Seattle on a rather southerly route. Hopefully we'll be leaving on August 4th and arriving in Seattle sometime the week of August 15th. Somewhere in there we're hoping to get to the The Wizard of Oz museum in Kansas, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, California, Oregon (voodoo donuts of course!) and then Seattle.

I'd love suggestions, ideas... prayers. We will take them all!

My goddaughter Mads is also thinking of keeping a blog while we are on our journey. If she does, I will post the link here so you can read along if you like!

This is just a short post. Tonight we're digging into the internet and the books and starting to make our plans!

Much love to you all,

Happy Trails to you!

ps... if you'd like to donate to the cause, you can click the link at the top of this webpage! I will occasionally mention it, but this blog is not a request for money! *smile* It's a way to share our journey with everyone we love!